Thursday, February 22, 2007

VW: Death Trap or Safe Haven?

The classic vw beetle it's what most people think of when they think of the seventies or hippies. There have been multiple reports of these cars being far safer than those of today, but there have been even more reports of them being deadly in the event of an accident. With the engine mounted in the rear and having hollow trunk space in the front of the car, we are not off to a good start. In pre 1968 models there is no collapsible steering column, this means that if you hit something head on the steering wheel is going to jump out at you possibly causing serious facial and chest injuries. Bugs are small and light and with so many SUV's on the road nowadays the bug would be squashed like, well a bug. A general rule of thumb is that the heavier vehicle always wins. Another key safety feature that wasn't introduced until 1973 is IRS, or Independent Rear suspension. Before IRS the bug was equipped with swing Axel suspension. This is when the wheels flex at an arch rather than straight up and down. In an emergency situation when you have to swerve in a bug the swing Axel suspension tucks under the car causing it to roll over, an obvious problem. So next time you think about buying a vintage, think twice.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith: A Bitter Ending to a Strange Tale

Anna Nicole Smith's sudden death shocked the world, an apparent collapse in Florida, her body was preserved for over a week to determine the cause of death. Surprisingly the autopsy revealed no long term drug abuse, injuries, drugs in her stomach, and no crime appeared to have been committed. Some are saying that it could take weeks to discover the actual cause of her untimely death. While some perscription drugs were found in her room, there was no trace of the drugs in her stomach. There was no apparent blunt-force trauma except for a bruise on her back that had resulted from a fall in the bathtub earlier in the week. Investigators are saying that her death could have been caused by a number of things, anything from reactions to the perscription drugs or natural causes but how may I ask would a seemingly healthy 39 year-old? and then remains the custody battle over her infant child.

Presidential Candidates

Still over a year away, the presidential election is off to a hot start with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the two most focused on candidates, both of them are being treated as rock stars almost. With Clinton as president it would be interesting because it would be the first woman president and we would have to deal with circumstances such as "first man" and other such things. With Obama, things will be definitely harder for him to win the election. People just have to add that his full name is Barack Hussein Obama, which is ridiculous because even before the war on terror started everything that Obama has said about the war has come true, and he can proudly say that he was against it from the beginning. Then he will have to overcome the southern half of the country who would probably not vote for him just because he is black. I think it would be spectacular to have a black president especially one with such high moral values and common sense.

Britney Goes Bald!!!

By now this is probably old news to most people but as many of you many know Britney Spears has gone bald! Has the former Mrs. Kevin Federline (a.k.a K-Fed) flown off the deep end? Here is where you will find some of the rumours circulating about why she shaved her head. One rumor is that Britney is starting to become a little bit lesbian, but she insists that this is not the case. The true reason she shaved her head is still unknown to the public, but when Spears entered the salon and asked for her hair to be shaved off the hair dresser tried to reason with her. When she (Spears) got frustrated with the hairdressers attempts to talk her out of it is said that she grabbed a pair of electric clippers and proceeded to the back of the salon and began to shave her head. In my opinion about her drastic decision, I think she looks like a man. Right after her visit to the salon she went to the tattoo parlor where she got a tiny pair of lips tattooed onto her wrist. Whatever the reason for Britney's extreme haircut she will probably regret it later on.